Yahoo, Google, Apple, Forbes, Experian, T-Mobile, Anthem, Blue Cross, Chick-fil-A, SONY, US Postal Service, MCX, Staples, K-Mart, Dairy Queen, SuperValu, Home Depot, PF Chang's, JP Morgan, Jimmy Johns, and Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital are just a few companies that have been hacked. These companies all have IT experts and were still hacked. Have you safeguarded yourself and business?
Dr Wireless has received FBI training on how to identify, and deal with cyber crime. Dr Wireless can look at your personal and business internet activities and show you how to mitigate the risks. For more information, and/or to schedule a consultation, contact us. |
Don't Make Yourself An Easy Target For Hackers
It's pretty clear that nobody is exempt from Hackers. Fortune 500 companies, Universities, Hospitals and Government agencies are regularly targeted. So are social media giants. Today, it was announced that Hackers have taken control of 300 million iCloud accounts and are demanding a ransom from Apple, or threaten they will delete them all. Do you have a personal plan to thwart hackers. Does your business have a plan? These days, everyone has a million passwords. The hackers know this. Last Pass, the company that I previously used for password storage was recently hacked. Yes, a password protection company. Nest, a division of Google who makes security cameras known as Dropcams was recently hacked. It turns out anyone in BlueTooth range can totally disable these devices with a couple of keystrokes. Not good for security cameras! |
The WannaCry Ransomware hack in May 2017 affected over 100 countries. Dr Wireless is a trained CyberSecurity consultant. Our specialty is risk assessment and mitigating exposure to these types of events. The reason this spread so rapidly was a combination of factors. Microsoft and the NSA are both at blame regarding this last Ransomware breach. Microsoft all but abandoned their XP users who were at highest risk for this. When your SmartPhone or Computer Operating System offers a new software update, make sure you download it to stay current, especially if it is introducing bug fixes. Just this morning, I received Apples' newest iOS 10.3.2 patch. This one does not introduce any new features I'm aware of but does offer 23 bug fixes. I suggest downloading this immediately, if not already done.